Teaching Evaluation

Teaching Evaluation

Teaching is evaluated at the University of Oregon for a variety of reasons, including for promotion and tenure, contract renewal, and assignment of merit raises. Because these applications are so important to faculty members and the university, evaluation instruments and processes must be as equitable and transparent as possible.

Members of the UO community will be familiar with research on bias inflecting teaching evaluation, particularly the student evaluation of teaching. To mitigate bias and ensure that evaluation supports the development of UO’s teaching culture, the University of Oregon, led by the University Senate and Provost’s office, has launched a new Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching System.

UO's framework for the Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching aims to more transparently evaluate teaching with 1) a clear definition of teaching quality and 2) evidence from three sources: peers, students, and faculty themselves. The system also captures and honors the process of teaching improvement, core to the ethos of the Teaching Engagement Program.

In these pages, TEP offers guidance and resources for instructors and departments to support the work of teaching evaluation. The Provost's office outlines policies and procedures for teaching evaluation.

Teaching Quality Standards

Teaching at the University of Oregon is Professional, Inclusive, Engaged, and Research-informed.

To mitigate bias and ensure evaluation supports the development of UO’s teaching culture, the University of Oregon, led by the University Senate and Provost’s office, has launched a new Continuous Improvement and Evaluation of Teaching System. The system aligns evidence from multiple sources (Student Experience Surveys, instructor reflections, and peer reviews) and to UO's Teaching Evaluation Standards (Professional, Inclusive, Engaged, and Research-informed).

Student Experience Survey Instructor-Reflection Peer Review Professional Teaching Inclusive Teaching Engaged Teaching

A page detailing the development and implementation system is available on the Office of the Provost’s webpage.