Faculty Guide to Student Experience Surveys

ses faculty
Student Experience Surveys​

Winter 2025 end-of-term course surveys 

OPEN: Wednesday, March 5 at 8 a.m. | CLOSE: Monday, March 17 at 6 a.m.
Instructors can add their own questions up until the survey opens. Surveys cannot be submitted or reopened after they close. 

students in class
Get quality feedback

Students have distinctive, valuable insights to offer about the teaching and learning experience. The Student Experience Survey offers an opportunity for formative and summative feedback that we hope will be even more valuable to instructors than previous student course "evaluations."

► Why we collect student feedback
► How to get students to submit feedback
► Add your own questions to the survey

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About the surveys  

The surveys ask students about specific teaching elements drawn from research on the teaching practices that are significant to student learning. These teaching practices are aligned with the UO definition of teaching quality.

► Learn more on the Experience Surveys
► See the questions students are asked

students in classroom
Promote the survey

University Communications also encourages students to submit their feedback, but here are tips to drive quality submissions:

► NEW! Add your own questions to the survey 
► Emphasize to students that their feedback matters to you
► Turn on Canvas integration to add a survey link to the course site
► Allow class time for survey submission 
using this instructional slide
► Send custom reminder emails to students
► Offer a nominal amount of extra credit to the entire class if the majority of students complete the survey 

program assessment
After the survey 

Reports from the survey are available to instructors after grades have been submitted. TEP welcomes meeting with faculty and GEs who wish to debrief survey feedback and think together about how they might like to apply select feedback to the course. Individual instructors might want to contextualize results by addressing them in personal statements and in the new Instructor Reflection survey.

► Accessing feedback and survey results
► Accessing course response rates
► Flagging comments for redaction
► Looking at your feedback over time: The NEW Instructor Dashboard


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have questions or comments, please e-mail otp@uoregon.edu. Thank you for your participation!  

Is student feedback anonymous?

Effective Fall 2019, all student feedback collected via the Student Experience Surveys will be anonymous. The University of Oregon has contracted with an outside vendor to manage and store the student feedback data. Students login to DuckWeb to access the course survey system, then are redirected to our third-party partner for collection of the data. The University of Oregon does not have access to the student’s identifying data. 

Who can see the results?

End-of-course Student Experience Survey: Instructors, department heads, deans, personnel and awards committee can view student feedback. 

Midway Student Experience Survey: Instructors can view student feedback.

Instructor Added Questions: Instructors can view student answers to these questions.

Instructor Reflections: Instructors, department heads, deans, personnel committee can view instructor reflections.

WHAT BROWSER VERSIOns are supported by the survey system?

Course surveys can be accessed using any of the following browsers: Apple Safari, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and built-in browsers on iOS and Android.

Note: The system supports the latest version of any browsers listed above and up to two major versions back. Due to variations in web standards, there may be minor display differences among browsers.

What if I missed the deadline?

Once a deadline has passed and the survey has closed, surveys cannot be reopened for you or students to enter a response.