Canvas Gradebook
Gradebook FAQs
The following are some of the questions we frequently get asked about Grades in Canvas. For a full list of FAQs from Canvas, check out these Canvas Guides from Instructure: Grades Can I add columns to the Gradebook on my own? The Canvas Gradebook is driven entirely by the Assignment Index…
How to Enter Grades in Canvas
Grades can be entered in Canvas in the Gradebook, grades can be entered through the Assignment column, the Grade Detail Tray, and through SpeedGrader.
Canvas Grade Posting Policy
The grade posting policy has changed drastically over the course of the summer and early fall term. The mute and un-mute functionality is now a two step process. We have created some documentation, a visibility flowchart, and a video to help with this.
Using the Canvas Media Recorder for Feedback
Use the Canvas Media Recorder tool to create short videos or audio podcasts for providing feedback to students,