If you would like to create short videos or audio tracks for providing feedback to students, you can use the Canvas Media Recorder.
Keep in mind that the Canvas Media Recorder does not generate captions, so we would recommend using the tool for individual feedback for students who do not require accessibility support.
If you would like to produce videos for your whole class, we recommend using Panopto.
The Canvas Media Recorder is available in SpeedGrader under the Assignment Comments box. To add an audio track or video in SpeedGrader (for Assignments and/or Discussions), first click on the Media Comment button [1]:

Next, check the "Mic" [2] and Webcam [3] buttons to ensure that your settings are correct. Then click the Start Recording button [4]

After a count-down, your recording will begin. When you are finished, click the Finish button [5].

The final screen gives you the opportunity to review your video before posting. You can start over if you want to change the video/audio. When you are ready to post, the last steps are to add your Title [6] and click the Save button [7]. Your video may take a little while to process and appear on the SpeedGrader screen. You need to stay on the page while the video is processing.