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Inclusive, Engaged, Research-Informed

The Teaching Engagement Program and UO Online are here for you. Explore resources, find community, and get direct support from our team.

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Latest News 

  • Faculty and staff teaching their first online class are invited to register for a workshop on August 19. Join us to explore what it means to teach an online course at the University of Oregon.

  • Faculty and staff developing their first online course are invited to register for a workshop on August 19. Join us to explore UO's five Canvas course site essentials for online classes.

  • May 28, 2024 - The Office of the Provost summarizes the opportunities and resources available to faculty, including a resource to switch from iClicker Classic to Cloud, the Inclusive Retention Roundtable report, and more.

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Inclusive Teaching at UO

UO defines inclusive teaching as instruction designed to ensure every student can participate fully and that their presence and participation is valued. As a recipient of a six-year Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Inclusive Excellence grant, the university is excited to have an increased capacity to support inclusive teaching.

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Teaching through Crisis

As the war in Israel and Gaza continues, the impact on some faculty, staff, and students also continues. Feelings of safety and belonging are crucial for students and faculty. We were concerned in fall to hear that UO students from the Middle East and/or who are Jewish or Muslim had experienced course interactions that felt isolating and dehumanizing. If you or your students have experienced bias, discrimination, or harassment, know you can contact the Investigations and Civil Rights Compliance office and report your experience, including anonymously reporting.   

A reminder that each of us can navigate the impacts that large-scale experiences of violence, fear, or loss might be having on students by continuing to:    

  • Acknowledge that violence and loss and remind them that they can contact UO Counseling Services for support.    
  • Remind ourselves that our students and the UO community hold identities and histories that will not all be apparent to us, that do not match our own, and that are complex.    
  • Ensure that if we choose to engage with the content of large-scale conflict, violence, and loss, we do so purposefully by explicitly linking activities or discussions to the goals of the course or discipline. 

Please contact the Teaching Engagement Program for any teaching-related support we can provide, and explore relevant resources including our Trauma Informed Pedagogy resource, Student Well-being Toolkit, and Teaching in Turbulent Times Toolkit.

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Get direct support: Request support to realize your teaching goals. Staff from UO Online and TEP provide a range of personalized support services.

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Individual Consultation

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Unit-level Training, Facilitation and Support

Graduate Employee Teaching Support


 Engage with colleagues: Connect with other faculty and Graduate Employees to share insights, discuss methods, and advance UO's academic mission.

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All Hands Network on Teaching Policy, Technology, and Support

Communities Accelerating the Impact of Teaching (CAITs)

Teaching Core Education

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