Spring 2024 Resources Page


Spring 2024 Course Resources

Prepare for a great term! Find time-saving resources, including a 'Syllabus Starter' template and Canvas modules that you can integrate directly into your course.



Resource Goals

Each term, TEP and UO Online update this page and its component resources, created to support you as you prepare your courses. We hope that reading timely information on any new university policies and practices, browsing ready-to-go resources that you can easily adapt, accessing concise guidance on things like rolling over Canvas courses, and noting key term dates will give you a boost and help you enjoy the start of term as much as we know your students will.

Actions to Take

Below are policies and guidance every instructor should address prior to the start of the term.

Include a Gen AI policy in your syllabus

Include a syllabus policy specifying whether students can use Generative AI tools in learning processes or work products (such as brainstorming, or proofreading). Find resources with sample language below.  


Find sample GenAI policy language in:

Work with student accommodations

Instructors are responsible for honoring the accommodations students have through the Accessible Education Center (AEC); accommodation letters are official documents that activate your legal responsibility. If you have questions about whether or how to meet an AEC accommodation, contact AEC at uoaec@uoregon.edu, or by phone, at 541-346-1155.

Ensure your attendance policy is "reason neutral"

If you require course attendance, align with UO's "reason neutral" policy by setting your attendance policy through one of these two approaches: 

  1. allow the maximum number of absences a student could have and still reach the course learning objectives (which allows for extraordinary circumstances students may experience, or
  2. set your attendance policy with common reasons students would need to miss in mind, and include a clause in the policy letting students know that in extraordinary circumstances they can request an exception without disclosing details (and let them know how to do so)
study spot at lillis hall
Preparing your Canvas Course

If you are preparing to teach a course again that you taught in the past, you do not need to start from scratch: you can easily import your materials from a prior Canvas course. Below are instructions for how you can copy a whole course, a single item, and your recorded videos:  

Please note that Panopto videos must be copied to the new course site to ensure student access.  

professor teaching class

Ready-to-go Resources

Below, you can find our Syllabus "Starter," Welcome Module, Report Absences module, and Academic Integrity module. You also will see descriptions of each resource, so you can identify which might best fit your needs and context. Links will take you to the relevant webpage and Canvas Commons modules, where you can explore, import, and adapt them for your courses!

►  Syllabus Starter

 Log into Canvas with your DuckID to view:

  • Course Welcome Module​​​​​​
  • Report Absences Here Module
  • Ducks Have Integrity Module
Screenshot of Starter Syllabus web page

Syllabus 'Starter' (webpage & Word document)

This "Syllabus Starter” resource provides framing and student-facing policy language for all required elements as well as other sections that you may wish to consider in crafting and communicating your distinctive course policies. The webpage for this resource also features a downloadable and accessible Word document version.

Visit the Syllabus Starter webpage


thumbnail of Canvas Commons "Welcome module"; above title are icons for TEP & UO Online

Course Welcome Module (Canvas)

This customizable module orients students to the organization and content of the course. It supports clearer course navigation—a need many students identified last year. It also features opportunities for you to introduce yourself to students, for students to introduce themselves to one another, and for students to easily find both academic and non-academic supports on campus.

Explore the Welcome Module


thumbnail of Canvas Commons "Report Absences Here" module; above title are icons for TEP & UO Online

Report Absences Here (Canvas Module)

This module directs student communications about absences to a single place in Canvas. Weekly absence surveys (a) link to key course and UO policy, (b) ask students to identify both the week's absence and total absences (to encourage their awareness of where they fall in the policy), (c) include weekly highlighted "UO dates to know," featuring supportive student resources/events, as well as any relevant academic deadlines for things like withdrawing from or adding a class, and (d) ask students to answer several questions about how they plan to keep up with the course, to activate their agency in planning and decision-making.

The surveys are designed not to require responses from faculty; they direct students who wish to receive support in the course—support unrelated to the absence and makeup policy—to email the instructor.

Find the Report Absences Here Module


Thumbnail of Canvas module titled "Ducks Have Integrity" with green background, yellow hand holding leaf

Academic Integrity (Canvas Module)

This customizable module engages students with questions around what academic integrity is and why it matters—both to UO, and to them. Students who entered UO in the last two years will have taken a detailed Academic Integrity module as part of IntroDUCKtion (a module made by the same collaborators who created this one). Adding "Academic Integrity" to your course and customizing it for your context can help strengthen and refresh that initial guidance for students.

This module has been updated with brief guidance for students around generative AI, the importance of understanding each instructor's policy on whether generative AI has a appropriate role in the work of the class, and information about the risks of using it inappropriately.

Get the Module in Canvas Commons

Spring 2024 Dates & Deadlines


    April 6

    Last day to drop classes without a "W"


    April 8

    Last day to add a class via DuckWeb 


    May 19

    Last day to withdraw from a class and the last day to change grade options (graded or P/N)


    May 27

    Memorial Day holiday; classes not in session


    May 29 - June 10

    End-of-Term Student Experience survey is open


    June 14

    Last day for students to request an Incomplete. Students must submit the request by 5 p.m. on the Incomplete Policy page. 


    June 18

    Deadline for instructors to submit grades (Tues at noon)

Let us know how else we can support you!

As you approach the term, know we are available to connect with you on anything related to teaching and learning. Whether you have a brief, targeted question or are looking for co-thinking, how-tos, or feedback, we're here for you. Connect with us using our simple contact form.

All our best as you begin your term!