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Change to Term Start / End Dates in Settings


As you prepare to start or end your term in Canvas, please note there have been changes to the Participation options in Settings.

Uploading Final Grades into DuckWeb


At the end of the term, final grades can be exported from Canvas and uploaded into DuckWeb.

Managing Canvas Media Files


Media files can easily consume the storage limit for a course site in Canvas. Here are UO Online's recommendations for managing media files in your course and ultimately your storage limit in Canvas. If you have uploaded large media files to the Files tool in Canvas, read these…

Managing Canvas Course Files


The Files tool in Canvas provides online storage and file sharing in three places: Personal Files and Course Files.

Uploading Files to a Canvas Course


Uploading files to your Canvas Course allows you to efficiently add files to Pages, Assignments, and Discussions.

Personal Pronouns in Canvas


All users can add personal pronouns to their Canvas user account. Someone's personal pronouns may be different from what others initially presume. Sharing your pronouns and asking people's pronouns is a valuable practice that shows respect for the people with whom you interact.…

Importing and Exporting Scores


Scores from the Gradebook can be imported or exported as a CSV file. This can be helpful for quick correction of scores, creating additional assignments quickly, or downloading scores at the end of the term for upload to Duckweb. This page will cover the Import/Export process in-depth. For more…

How to Manually Create Groups in Canvas Across Sections


In a Group Set, you can choose to automatically or manually create groups. When choosing to manually create groups, you can create groups in a Group Set or create groups by importing a CSV file. Both of these options are demonstrated below. Note: The “Require group members to be in the same…

How to Manage Canvas Groups


Groups are a small version of a course and used as a collaborative tool where students can work together on group projects and assignments.

Streamlining the Canvas Course Navigation Menu


Optimize the Canvas course navigation menu to maintain student focus. This guide explains the importance of a streamlined course navigation menu and offers actionable tips for customization.