The Rich Content Editor has many features and editing options.
In the Rich Content Editor toolbar, the first two sections [1 and 2] hold options for the basic editing of text. The third section [3] shows tools for linking to external sites, uploading images and documents, and linking to documents and Canvas content. The fourth section [4] contains tools for embedding third-part content like YouTube or Panopto videos. The fifth section [5] contains alignment tools. The sixth area [6] has the inset a table or math equation. Depending on the size of your browser window, any of these sections may appear hidden but can always be accessed by clicking on the More Options Icon (︙), like demonstrated here with section six.
Content, written text, and links can be added in the text box. The Canvas Accessibility Checker, Word Count, and HTML Editor are at the bottom right of the text box [7].

For more information on the Rich Content Editor, we have three short videos including one on the general overview, one on the popup link options and one on the Add sidebar.