Calendar FAQs

Calendar FAQs

The following are some of the questions we frequently get asked about the Calendar in Canvas.  For a full list of FAQs from Canvas, check out these Canvas Guides from Instructure: Calendar


How do I add important dates to the Calendar?

When creating Assignments, the Due Dates are automatically added to the Calendar. Those Assignments and dates are also added automatically to the Syllabus tool.  Faculty now have the option of showing or not showing these in the Syllabus too.

To add an event manually, in Global Navigation, click the Calendar link. Click any date on the calendar to add an event. Or, click the arrows next to the month name to navigate to a different month and select a date. If you don't want to manually locate the date, you can click the Add icon. Enter a title for the event. Depending on how you added your event, the date may be populated for you. If not, enter a date in the date field. Edit or enter the start and end time for your event. To create an all-day event, leave the From fields blank so there is no start and end time for your event. If a location is required, enter a location for the event. In the Calendar drop-down menu, select the course calendar for the event. Submit event.

What is the Scheduler tool on the Calendar? 

The Scheduler allows instructors to create office hours for individuals or groups.  The time slots show up on the Calendar for the specific course. Students click on the time slot that works for them and enter their name.  This reserves their time on the instructor’s schedule.  If multiple students can sign up for a slot, the tool will not allow more than the allocated number of slots to be filled for the time slot. Faculty can also get a nice view of which slots are filled and by whom using the Agenda view on the Calendar.

Can I link my Google or Outlook calendar to the Calendar in Canvas?

Because we use Office 365, Google tools don’t integrate with Canvas. Thus a Google Calendar can’t be integrated with the Calendar in Canvas. You can however link to a Google Calendar by copying the URL of the Google Calendar and adding it to any tool in the Rich Content Editor.  An Office 365 integration is expected sometime in the future.

You can subscribe to the Canvas Calendar using either of those applications.

For Google Calendar, follow these instructions.
For Outlook, follow these instructions.

If I schedule a Zoom meeting through Canvas, will it appear on the Canvas Calendar?

No, you must add Zoom meetings manually.


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