Teaching and Learning Topics


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Powerful Endings and Reflection

Teaching and Learning Topics

A powerful way to end a course is to provide students an opportunity to reflect on the knowledge they’ve gained, the skills they’ve developed, and the learning processes they have experienced, including a possible transformation in how they understand the world or perceive themselves as learners or…

'Welcome Modules': Opening the Door to Your Canvas Course

Teaching and Learning Topics

A Welcome Module is a “place” in your Canvas course where you orient students to the course: its academic content, how it is organized, and the technology you will use. It is also helpful to provide students with guidance on strategies they can use to succeed in the course. Finally, you can use the…

Remote Active Learning and Scheduling Live Class Time

Teaching and Learning Topics

Active learning is about structuring courses to get all students to do the hard work of learning. Designing structured opportunities for all students to recall, reflect, synthesize ideas, ask questions, or self-assess their learning can improve student learning. While these strategies are…

Providing a Clear Path Through Your Course

Teaching and Learning Topics

As you plan your course, consider how you will structure your Canvas site to make clear to your students where to find and access the materials and platforms you will be using. Students have reported difficulty orienting to the variety of different platforms, external resources, and…

Teaching and Elections

Teaching and Learning Topics

Regardless of political ideology, many students, faculty, and staff in the UO community experience stress related to political polarization. Feelings of stress can become heightened during election seasons. This resource offers a variety of strategies to consider when teaching during an election.…