GEs and the Changing Job Market

  • 1 June 2022
  • Zoom
  • Event Host: TEP, Campus partners
  • Event Type: Workshop

Talking about Teaching, New Skills to Emphasize, and Strategies for Success 

The ongoing COVID pandemic is reshaping the job market, especially outside of higher education, though even traditional academic job positions will increasingly require a more diverse set of skills and experiences for engaging in teaching and research across multiple modalities.   What are some emerging trends that graduate students are encountering in the job market, both inside and outside higher education?  What kinds of skills and experiences – especially those acquired during the pandemic – can graduate students leverage and foreground, and what are some strategies for doing so in both traditional academic contexts and beyond? Join fellow GEs and representatives from the Career Center, Division of Graduate Studies, and Teaching Engagement Program to discuss shifts in the job market, brainstorm a list of key skills to emphasize in various contexts, and identify helpful resources and support strategies for pursuing a variety of positions inside and outside higher ed.

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