Submitting a Panopto Video Assignment

Submitting a Panopto Video Assignment

Panopto is used for assignments requiring a video or audio podcast submission. Assignments includes both Canvas Assignments and Canvas Discussions. This document describes how to submit an assignment using Canvas and Panopto. For tips on recording with Panopto, please see the page Recording a Video Using Panopto Capture.

Step 1: Open Assignment in Canvas

  1. Open the assignment or discussion in Canvas
  2. Click Start Assignment or click Reply in a discussion.
  3. When the rich content editor loads, click Kabob at the end of the toolbar, and then click the Panopto icon.
Rich Content Editor toolbar in Canvas showing the Panopto button

Step 2: Add the Video to Canvas

There are three options when submitting a video to a Canvas assignment or discussion:

  • Choose a video already uploaded to Panopto
  • Upload a video to Panopto
  • Record a video using Panopto

Click the tab for desired option. A green line will appear below the option selected indicating which of the three options will add the video to Canvas.


Options for adding a Panopto Recording


When Choose is selected, the option is to select a video in your Panopto folder.

  1. Select the folder where the video is located by clicking on the menu arrow and choosing the folder from the dropdown. Usually it's in My Folder.
  2. Select the video to submit.
  3. The default settings for Video Embed Options can be used; there's no need to change these.
  4. Click Insert to add the video to the rich content editor.
Settings for uploading a video to a Canvas Assignment.



When Upload is selected, you'll be prompted to select the Panopto folder to upload the file.  In most cases, upload the file to My Folder.  

  1. Select the folder.
  2. Click Choose video or audio file.
  3. Browse to find the video on your computer.
  4. Select the video.
  5. Click Open.
  6. When the file finishes uploading, it will begin processing, you'll see the file name, and you can  click Insert.
  7. The default settings for Video Embed Options can be used; there's no need to change these.
  8. Click Insert to add the video to the rich content editor.


Panopto Upload Settings


When Record is selected, do the following:

  1. Select My Folder as the location to store the recording.
  2. Name your recording according to your instructor's directions.
  3. Click Launch Capture.
  4. When you've captured the video, close the Panopto Capture tab and click Insert.

Please see Recording a Video Using Panopto for specific steps to follow when recording.

Panopto Record Settings

Step 3: Submit the Assignment


Once you have added your video to Canvas, it will appear in the rich content editor. Text can be added to the rich content editor. Text can also be added to the Comments box below the rich content editor. To finish, click Submit Assignment.

Submitting the assignment