Zoom meetings and office hours for courses can be scheduled in Canvas. To begin, if you don't see Zoom Meetings on the Course Navigation menu you will need to add it. Scheduling your Zoom meetings in Canvas will provide a clickable link on the Syllabus page and the Calendar for the course. If you plan to allow students from multiple courses access to a Zoom meeting for office hours, for example, it is best to schedule those meetings in the Zoom app. One other tip, for Zoom recordings of classroom lectures that will only be shared with some students (not the whole class) be sure to schedule these recordings and start these recordings from the Zoom app.
If you need general Zoom support not specifically using Canvas, such as account or licensing information, software updates, integrations with other software (Outlook), and using the HIPAA client please see these Information Services Zoom Pages
Canvas - Zoom Interface
Select Zoom Meetings [1] on the Course Navigation menu
There are four tabs across the page [2]: Upcoming Meetings, Previous Meetings, Personal Meeting Room, and Cloud Recordings. Use these tabs to navigate your Zoom meetings.
To Schedule a New Meeting, select the Schedule a New Meeting button [3]. This allows you to schedule one-time meetings and/or recurring meetings. A recurring meeting is one that recurs regularly, that is daily, 2 days per week, 3 days per week, weekly, etc.
"Schedule a New Meeting" Settings
Give the meeting a meaningful title in the Topic [1] area and a description (a description is optional).
Set the date and start time for the meeting in the When [2] area.
Set the meeting Duration [3].
Is your meeting recurring? Will you hold it regularly? For example, will you provide a live lecture once a week on the same day and time? If so, check the Recurring meeting checkbox [4]. Add the Recurrence (daily, weekly, etc), Repeat every (day, week, etc), Occurs on, and End date (you can either set a date or end after a specified number of occurrences (i.e. By December 9or After 10 occurrences).
Meeting Options: by default these settings will appear as they are shown at right. If you share a link to the meeting with your students in an Announcement or email - the meeting ID and Password are embedded in the link.
The "Do Not" symbol means Do Not Use Registration. This feature will require all participants to pre-register for the Zoom meeting. It also requires that the instructor confirms each registration.
For some meetings (i.e., Office Hours) you may wish to enable the Waiting room [5] to allow participants to join the meeting only when admitted. For regular class meetings and large classes, you may wish to uncheck Waiting room so students can join the meeting automatically.
For additional security for your Zoom sessions, click the Only authenticated users can join [6] checkbox. This will require participants to log in with their DuckID and password.
If you select Record the meeting automatically[7] you won't have to remember to turn on the recording. You might have a lot of extraneous noise and video while you wait to start class. If you don't want to do those edits, do not check Record the meeting automatically. You will be prompted about recording it to your computer or to the cloud. If you record to the cloud, you will need to download it to add it back into Panopto to make it available in Canvas. See Adding Recorded Zoom Sessions to Panopto and Canvas for more information. Zoom Cloud recordings can take multiple hours to be made available for viewing or downloading. Saving to your computer is more efficient if there is room on your computer.
The Alternative Host[8] allows you to have a GE support you in Hosting the meeting. Before GEs can be added as Alternative Hosts they must sign in to the UO Zoom website. Once they do, they can be added by entering their email address in the Alternative Hosts text box.
Once all your meeting setting are set, Save [9] the meeting.
Recurring Zoom Meetings View
Once a recurring meeting is scheduled all sessions will appear on the Upcoming Meetings Tab along with other meetings scheduled for this course.