How to Create an Assignment

How to Create an Assignment

The resource will show you how to create an assignment in Canvas.
Related Topics: Canvas Assignments, Canvas

Creating a Canvas Assignment

To create an assignment in Canvas select the Assignments link in the left-hand navigation menu. On the Assignment page click on + Assignment.

canvas assignment option in main navigation



After giving your assignment a descriptive title [1], use the Rich Content Editor (RCE) [2] to provide the assignment purpose, specific steps or tasks for completion, the criteria for success, as well as due date, required format, etc.

canvas assignment rich content editor


Select Online Entry Options

If students are submitting their assignment online, select the Online Entry Option(s) you want to allow for the assignment.

canvas assignment submission types

Text Entry [1]: Students can submit their assignment directly in the Rich Content Editor. DocViewer annotations are not available for text entry submissions. Additionally, text entry submissions cannot be re-uploaded to the Gradebook.

Website URLs [2]: Students can submit a URL that fulfills the assignment. DocViewer annotations are not available for website URL submissions. Additionally, website URL submissions cannot be re-uploaded to the Gradebook.

Media Recordings [3]: Students can submit an audio or video recording that fulfills the assignment. They can either record new media or upload existing media. Video and audio uploads to Canvas can be up to 500 MB. DocViewer annotations are not available for media recording submissions. Additionally, media recording submissions cannot be downloaded.

Student Annotation [4]: Instructors can upload a file for students to annotate and submit directly to canvas. Students can complete the annotation assignment directly in Canvas by using the annotations tools in DocViewer. Annotations can also be created in the Canvas Student app.

File Uploads [5]: Students can upload a file to fulfill the assignment. DocViewer annotations are available for supported file types in SpeedGrader. File upload submissions can be downloaded and re-uploaded to the Gradebook. Canvas supports file uploads up to 5 GB.


Assigning Access and Setting Due Dates

Select the Manage Assign To link to set the assign to and due date fields.

Canvas Assignment assign access link


Assign To allows you to assign an assignment to the entire class, to specific sections or groups, or to individual students.

  • To assign to specific groups or students begin typing the group or student name in the Assign To box.

Due Date. The due date and time is when the assignment must be submitted by to count as an on-time submission. A "Due Date" is NOT the same as the "Until" setting.

  • Due Dates allow for late submissions.
  • Until is a hard stop that prevents students from accessing the assignment after the Until date.

Available From If you'd like to set a specific date and time period for all students to begin and complete an assignment, the best way is to use the Available From and Until fields.

  • Available From is the date and time a published assignment becomes available for students to access.
  • Until is a hard stop. Students can not access an assignment after the Until date.

If you need to make an assignment available for a student after the Due or Until date, do not use the Assign To box at the top. Instead, use the +Add button at the bottom of the option box to enter just that student's name and due date.

Canvas Assignment assign access full options panel


You can now edit the Assign To options without having to open an assignment using the Edit button. The new Assign To button opens the Assign To option box as shown above.

Canvas Assignment assign to option next to edit button