Implementation Grants

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Explore New Opportunities with Implementation Grants

The UO’s Inclusive Teaching Task Force is offering $60,000 in small-grant funding to support inclusive and effective teaching policies and practices. This is a special opportunity for faculty to influence teaching evaluation policies, contribute to meaningful change, and advance their professional development. 

Benefits for Faculty

  • Influence Teaching Evaluation Policy: Take an active role in building policy and practice that refelcts inclusive and effective teaching, ensuring fair evaluations that are aligned to your unit's teaching aspriations and values.
  • Advance Faculty Development: Access resources and support for professional growth, including workshops, training sessions, and collaborative projects.
  • College and Use Data: Develop mechanisms to gather and analyze data on inclusive and effective teaching, drivin ginformed decisions and improvements. 

Projects could include: 

  • Supporting your new peer review committee in creating foundational work, including documents and processes for new Peer Review of Teaching unit policies
  • Hosting a departmental retreat to discuss teachign values and principles, in preparation for upcoming work on TTF and Career Faculty Review and Promotion policies
  • Conducting focus groups to gather students' perceptions of inclusive and excellent teaching within your unit
  • Funding an external speaker to discuss inclusive and effective teaching in your field
  • Providing an honoraria for faculty working on a course development project centered on inclusive and effective teaching, culminating in a presentation to the full department

These hese grants aim to serve collective goals and foster culture change within faculty units and should align with one of the benefit types listed above. Read on to learn how to submit your application.  

Submissions Due:  Rolling deadline - submissions will be accepted until all funds are awarded.

Budget: $60,000 total | ~$5500 per award
We expect proposal budgets to be between $3000-$7000, but they could be more

Eligibility Criteria All career and tenure-related faculty are eligible to apply. 

Implementation Grants are awarded to projects at all stages of completion, including projects in very nascent phases. In fact, an implementation grant can be instrumental in developing community collaborative goals in the early design phases of a new project. Faculty are eligible to receive an Implementation Grant at the same time as other internal funding (including IDEAL Campus Climate Matching Grants and Williams Fund). Applications for other funding should be made clear in the project proposal along with disclosure of other funds awarded.

Office Hours: If you have questions about the grant, the application, or would like to discuss your idea, Austin Hocker, grant funds co-sponsor, is available during weekly office hours. Wednesdays from 10:00am to 11:00am via Zoom


Please be certain that you have included all required components, in order. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for review. Proposals should include each of the following components and be submitted as a single Word or PDF file
1. PROJECT NARRATIVE (500-700 words max)

Describe the focus of the project, including how it advances your unit’s work in one of the three benefits for faculty listed above teaching evaluation policy, faculty development, and mechanisms to collect data about inclusive and effective teaching.

  1. Describe how this project will:
    • fulfill one of the benefit types listed above
    • help to raise faculty awareness of inclusive and effective teaching
    • impact department teaching culture to broaden understanding and use related to inclusive and effective teaching practices
    • measure success in terms of student and faculty outcomes - how the target department and group of faculty will benefit and how broad the effect of the project might reach
  2. Include details about the project design, goals, and other resources that will be used to support the work.
  3. Clearly describe the portion of the work that the Implementation Grant would fund. Include a project timeline.

Indicate how the budget will be allocated. There are multiple creative ways to use this money. Uses can include travel to a conference, purchase of materials/supplies, faculty stipends, GE funding, organizing a workshop or speaker event, honorariums, or other material costs associated with the proposed work. Include a budget justification and statement of funding history for the project as a whole. Click here for a SAMPLE BUDGET.

If proposing use of funds for a stipend, the program has set a common stipend of $1000 + 33% OPE per faculty per week for any related work.

The common stipend for guest speaker travel and hosting is $2000.


Submit Application Here 

Recipients of the UO Implementation Grant funds are expected to: 

  1. Participate in regular progress check-in meetings, including a budget check-in.
  2. Present projects and results to 1-2 relevant campus forums. 
    Groups will be identified based on relevancy to the awarded projects and project leaders will be consulted for scheduling purposes.
  3. Submit a report on completion of the work.
  4. Adhere to approved budget and fiscal procedures.
  5. Conduct funded activities according to the highest ethical standards and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and UO policies, including those regarding an inclusive and respectful workplace. This extends to activities away from campus, including, for example, participation at meetings and workshops.
  6. Aim to complete project activity within one year from award date, not to exceed 2 yrs from award date.