Exam Center Renovation

view of sidewalk to library building

The University is renovating a portion of the basement in Knight Library to provide students a single destination for testing services on campus. The renovation will centralize the UO Testing Center, AEC Testing, and the UO Online Exam Center.  

Beginning in Spring 2023, demolition will begin in the current UO Online Exam Center and surrounding rooms. During construction, the UO Exam Center will continue operating out of rooms 041 and 042 of Knight Library. Construction should conclude in time for Fall 2023, when normal operations are expected to resume.  

A reminder about the capabilities of each center: 

  • The Accessible Education Center (AEC) helps students manage accommodative testing (low level lighting, low occupancy rooms, extra time, etc.), coordinating with the Testing Center, which administers these exams. To accommodate high traffic near the end of each term, the AEC also locates auxiliary rooms on campus to proctor final exams.  

  • The Testing Center administers exams to UO students completing makeup exams, UO students requiring accommodations that have been documented and approved by the AEC, and community members from Eugene and surrounding areas who need testing access for certifications. Assessments are offered in small rooms and are often limited to one person at a time but can accommodate more.  

  • The Exam Center administers exams exclusively to students taking online courses at UO via Canvas and helps students not living in Eugene coordinate their off-campus testing locations. The Exam Center provides a computer lab setting to accommodate large numbers of students needing to test at the same time with the ability to host sessions of 10-50 students for courses with enrollments from 40 to 300.  

 After completion of the renovation, AEC Testing, the UO Testing Center, and the UO Online Exam Center will be able to improve student testing experiences in a low-stress environment, while maximizing the efficient use of testing resources for cross-department collaboration in a centralized location. 

Reach out to us at clittle@uoregon.edu if the scheduled renovation raises any concerns for the course you’re teaching in spring or summer.