Teaching with AI Reading Group

  • 13 March 2025
  • Zoom Meeting
  • Event Host: UO Online
  • Event Type: Reading and discussion group
  • Teaching Pillar: Professional, Inclusive, Engaged

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we learn, work, and think. Its integration into classrooms and workplaces is already underway, prompting ideas about creativity, authorship, and education.” Bowen & Watson, 2023   If you’re curious about AI and its impact on education, we invite you to join us this winter term, weekly on Thursdays from11a-12:00p, January 16 - March 13th 2025, as we read and discuss José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson’s Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. This reading group, hosted by UO Online and TEP, will provide a space for conversation and idea-sharing around using AI as an educational tool. In particular, we will discuss how AI might support our students’ critical thinking skills and information literacy.  This reading group will be hosted on Zoom and is open to the entire UO community. The text is available as an e-book through UO Libraries. (Must be logged in.) While you'll have the best experience in joining all of the meetings, if you're only able to join some of the weeks, feel free to register nonetheless. See MyTrack for all the dates.