Explore Doing...Less (Drop-In Consultation/Discussion); April 12

  • 12 April 2024 10:00am – 10:55am
  • Zoom & Straub 401
  • Event Host: TEP
  • Event Type: Workshop

These drop-in consultations/discussions invite instructors to reflect on and talk with colleagues and TEP about—yes—doing less. We've heard from some UO instructors--instructors who care very much about students and their learning--that they are experiencing overwhelm in areas of their teaching, whether from the amount of time they're spending on giving feedback or grading, time and energy spent on student support, time and energy spent on coordinating teaching teams, time spent on making their Canvas courses accessible, etc.

If you have a teaching task or practice that feels unsustainably time or energy intensive, drop in for care and co-thinking around ways to "do less" of what is not working (while still doing right by your students).  

Join us on any Friday in April (5, 12, 19, 26), from 10-10:50am, on Zoom or in person at Straub Hall, 401 (your choice--we'll have both open). Arrive and depart whenever you wish within this time block! 

Registration not required, but link provided if you wish to.