Science Teaching Journal Club Winter 2022

The Science Teaching Journal Club is a partnership of the Science Literacy Program and the Teaching Engagement Program. Each week we read, discuss, and consider how to implement ideas from an article or book that explores issues relevant to teaching and learning in college science classrooms. We invite participants from all ranks and disciplines to join us for these sessions, which we use to model evidence-based teaching practices.

Science Teaching Journal Club links:



Winter 2022 Journal Club Readings

  What Inclusive Instructors Do

At the University of Oregon we define excellent teaching as professional, inclusive, engaged, and research-informed. But what does it mean to be inclusive and how can we achieve it in practice? Please join the Science Teaching Journal Club this winter as we read and discuss What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching, by T. M. Addy, D. Dube, K. A. Mitchell, and M. E SoRelle. The book is packed with research-supported principles for inclusive teaching and examples of how faculty from a wide range of disciplines have implemented and adapted them in their own teaching.

What Inclusive Instructors Do is conducive to being read in small chunks and provides ample opportunities for reflecting on and sharing how we could and already do incorporate inclusive practices in our own courses. Hard copies of the book are available through online booksellers and the UO library has it in ebook form.

Addy, T. M., Dube, D., Mitchell, K. A., & SoRelle, M. (2021). What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

Tentative Schedule:

Week Reading
Week One (1/6)

Part One: Evidence Supporting Inclusion and Major Principles

Chapter 1: The what and why of inclusive teaching

Week Two (1/13)

Part One: Evidence Supporting Inclusion and Major Principles

Chapter 2: What do they know about being inclusive?

Week Three (1/20)

Part Two: The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

Chapter 3: How do they design an inclusive course?

Week Four (1/27)

Part Two: The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

First part of Chapter 4: How do they make students feel welcome? pp. 73-88

Week Five (2/3)

Part Two: The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

Second part of Chapter 4: How do they make students feel welcome? pp. 88-104

Week Six (2/10)

Part Two: The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

First part of Chapter 5: How do they conduct class inclusively? pp. 105-119

Week Seven (2/17)

Part Two: The Practice of Inclusive Teaching

Second part of Chapter 5: How do they conduct class inclusively? pp. 119-135

Week Eight (2/24)

Part Three: Developing and Sustaining a Culture of Inclusive Teaching

Chapter 6: Using a tool to support inclusive teaching

Week Nine (3/3)

Part Three: Developing and Sustaining a Culture of Inclusive Teaching

Chapter 7: Concluding thoughts

Epilogue: Developing and sustaining a culture of inclusive teaching

Week Ten (3/10) Tanner, K. D. (2013). Structure matters: twenty-one teaching strategies to promote student engagement and cultivate classroom equity. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 12(3), 322-331.