The Science Teaching Journal Club has been running continuously since Fall 2010. Our readings are drawn mostly from the peer-reviewed literature on teaching science at the university level, with occasional readings from other disciplines and the popular press. We also read whole books together.
Full Bibliography: Fall 2010 - Spring 2024
- Assessment and Alternative Grading Systems
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Teaching
- Learning and Metacognition
- Science Communication
- Scientific Teaching
- Academic Integrity
- Active Learning
- Anxiety
- AI in Teaching and Learning
- Assessment - General
- Assessment - Equitable and Alternative
- Case Studies / Role Playing Games
- Course Design
- Course Evaluations
- Critical Thinking
- Demonstrations
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Teaching
- Ethics
- Field Trips
- Interdisciplinary/Integrated Courses
- Large Class Teaching
- Learning and Metacognition
- National Reports
- Online, Hybrid and Remote: Pandemic Teaching
- Peer Instruction
- Popular Media (Comics, Games, Music, Social Media, and Theater)
- Reading and Writing
- Science Communication
- Science Literacy
- Scientific Teaching
- Service Learning
- Student Response Systems
- Syllabus
- Technology
- Understanding Student Behaviors
Assessment and Alternative Grading Systems
Ambrose SA, Bridges MW, DiPietro M, Lovett MC, Norman MK. 2010. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Clark, D., & Talbert, R. (2023). Grading for growth: A guide to alternative grading practices that promote authentic learning and student engagement in higher education. Taylor & Francis. Access ebook through UO Libraries.
Dirks, C., Wenderoth, M.P., & Withers, M. (2014). Assessment in the college science classroom. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company
Kohn, A., & Blum, S. D. (2020). Ungrading: Why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead). West Virginia University Press.
E-copy at UO Library
Slater, S. J., Slater, T. F., & Bailey, J. M. (2010). Discipline-Based Education Research: A Scientist’s Guide. WH Freeman.
Course Design
Ambrose SA, Bridges MW, DiPietro M, Lovett MC, Norman MK. 2010. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2007). Scientific Teaching. W.H. Freeman & Company,New York, NY. and
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Teaching
Addy, T. M., Dube, D., Mitchell, K. A., & SoRelle, M. (2021). What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
Ambrose SA, Bridges MW, DiPietro M, Lovett MC, Norman MK. 2010. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2007). Scientific Teaching. W.H. Freeman & Company, New York, NY. and
Neuhaus, J. (2019). Geeky pedagogy: A guide for intellectuals, introverts, and nerds who want to be effective teachers. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press.
Learning and Metacognition
Brown, P. C., Roediger, H. L., & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Make it stick: the science of successful learning. Harvard University Press.
Ambrose SA, Bridges MW, DiPietro M, Lovett MC, Norman MK. 2010. How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
Lang, J. M. (2016). Small teaching: Everyday lessons from the science of learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Science Communication
Olson, R. (2015). Houston, We Have a Narrative: Why Science Needs a Story. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Scientific Teaching
Handelsman, J., Miller, S., & Pfund, C. (2007). Scientific Teaching. W.H. Freeman & Company,New York, NY. and
Hodges, L., & Narum, Jeanne L. (2015). Teaching undergraduate science : A guide to overcoming obstacles to student learning (First ed.). Sterling, Virginia: Stylus.
Discussion questions for Teaching Undergraduate Science
Academic Integrity
Corrigan-Gibbs, H., Gupta, N., Northcutt, C., Cutrell, E., & Thies, W. (2015). Deterring cheating in online environments. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 22(6), 1-23.
Chapter 6, It’s in the Pedagogy: Evidence-Based Practices to Promote Academic Integrity. From Rettinger, David A., and Tricia Bertram Gallant. Cheating Academic Integrity: Lessons from 30 Years of Research. First edition. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint, 2022. Print. Available as an Ebook through the UO Library.
University of Oregon. (2013). Academic Integrity. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from
University of Oregon. (2013). Professor Peter O’Day Celebrates Unfettered, Curiosity-Driven Vision. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from
University of Oregon. (2013). Tips for Assignment, Exam Design. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from
University of Oregon. (2013). Tips for Maintaining Your Academic Integrity. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from
University of Oregon. (2013). UO Conduct Review Process. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from
Active Learning
Arthurs, L. A., & Kreager, B. Z. (2017). An integrative review of in-class activities that enable active learning in college science classroom settings. International Journal of Science Education, 1-19. http://www.tandfonline.
Beichner, R. (2008). The SCALE-UP Project: A Student-Centered Active Learning Environment for Undergraduate Programs. Evidence on Promising Practices in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Workshop 2, Oct 13-14, Washington (DC).
Beichner, R.J., & Saul, J.M. (2004). Introduction to the SCALE-UP (Student-Center Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs) Project. In: Elzer B., editor. Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education. Washington (DC), AAAS Publication Services, pgs. 61-66.
Beichner, R.J., Saul, J.M., Abbott D.S., Morse, J.J., Deardorff ,D.L., Allain, R.J., Bonham, S.W., Dancy, M.H., & Risley, J.S. (2007). The Student-Centered Activities for Large Enrollment Undergraduate Programs (SCALE-UP) Project. Research-Based Reform of University Physics, pp 1-42.
Black, K.A., (1993). What to Do When You Stop Lecturing: Become a Guide and a Resource. J. Chem. Educ. 70(2), 140-144.
Cadaret, C. N., & Yates, D. T. (2018). Retrieval practice in the form of online homework improved information retention more when spaced 5 days rather than 1 day after class in two physiology courses. Advances in physiology education, 42(2), 305-310.
Crouch, C.H., Fagen, A.P., Callan J.P., Mazur, E. (2004). Classroom demonstrations: Learning tools or entertainment? Am. J. Phys., 72(6), 835-838.
DeHaan, R.L. (2009). Teaching creativity and inventive problem solving in science. CBE Life Sci Educ , 8(3), 172-181.
Deslauriers, L., McCarty, L. S., Miller, K., Callaghan, K., & Kestin, G. (2019). Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(39), 19251-19257.
Deslauriers, L., Schelew, E., Wieman, C. (2011). Improved Learning in a Large-Enrollment Physics Class. Science, 332(6031) 862-864.
Freeman, S., Eddy, S. L., McDonough, M., Smith, M. K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(23), 8410–5.
Hake, R.R. (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. Am. J. Phys., 66(1), 64-74.
Haythornthwaite, C. (2006). Facilitating collaboration in online learning. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 10(1), 7-24.
Inouye, C. Y., Bae, C. L., & Hayes, K. N. (2017). Using whiteboards to support college students’ learning of complex physiological concepts. Advances in Physiology Education, 41(3), 478-484.
Jensen, J. L., Kummer, T. A., & Godoy, P. D. D. M. (2015). Improvements from a Flipped Classroom May Simply Be the Fruits of Active Learning. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 14(1), ar5
Lazar, K. B., Moysey, S. M., Brame, S., Coulson, A. B., Lee, C. M., & Wagner, J. R. (2018). Breaking out of the traditional lecture hall: Geocaching as a tool for experiential learning in large geology service courses. Journal of Geoscience Education, 66(3) 170-185.
Mazur , E. (1996). Science Lectures: A relic of the past? Physics World, 9, 13-14.
McClanahan, E.B., McClanahan, L.L. (2002). Active Learning in a Non-Majors Biology Class: Lessons Learned. College Teaching, 50(3) 92-97
McConnell, D. A., Chapman, L., Czajka, C. D., Jones, J. P., Ryker, K. D., & Wiggen, J. (2017). Instructional utility and learning efficacy of common active learning strategies. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65(4), 604-625.
Martella, A. M., Schneider, D. W., O'Day, G. M., & Karpicke, J. D. (2024). Investigating the intensity and integration of active learning and lecture. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
Nardo, J. E., Chapman, N. C., Shi, E. Y., Wieman, C., & Salehi, S. (2022). Perspectives on Active Learning: Challenges for Equitable Active Learning Implementation. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(4), 1691-1699.
Pfeifer, M. A., Cordero, J. J., & Stanton, J. D. (2023). What I Wish My Instructor Knew: How Active Learning Influences the Classroom Experiences and Self-Advocacy of STEM Majors with ADHD and Specific Learning Disabilities. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 22(1), ar2.
Preszler, R.W. (2009). Replacing Lecture with Peer-led Workshops Improves Student Learning.CBE Life Sci Educ 8(3), 182-192.
Quillin, K., & Thomas, S. (2015). Drawing-to-Learn: A Framework for Using Drawings to Promote Model-Based Reasoning in Biology. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 14(1), es2.
Rao, S. P., & DiCarlo, S. E. (2000). Peer instruction improves performance on quizzes. Adv Physiol Educ, 24(1), 51-5.
Rowat, A. C., Sinha, N. N., Sörensen, P. M., Campàs, O., Castells, P., Rosenberg, D., … Weitz, D. A. (2014). The kitchen as a physics classroom. Physics Education, 49(5), 512–522. doi:10.1088/0031-9120/49/5/512
Saltz, J., & Heckman, R. (2020). Using Structured Pair Activities in a Distributed Online Breakout Room. Online Learning, 24(1).
Silverthorn, D. U., (2006) Teaching and learning in the interactive classroom, Adv. Physiol. Educ. 30, 135- 140.
States, N. E., Lovig, C., Martin, K., Nennig, H. T., & Cole, R. S. (2023). Let Students Work: Analysis of the Role of Differing Facilitation on Student Engagement in a Large Stadium-Style Lecture Hall. Journal of Chemical Education, 100, 4237.
Tanner, K. D. (2013). Structure matters: twenty-one teaching strategies to promote student engagements and cultivate classroom equity. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 12, 322-331.
Tharayil, S., Borrego, M., Prince, M., Nguyen, K. A., Shekhar, P., Finelli, C. J., & Waters, C. (2018). Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1), 7.
Theobald, E. J., Hill, M. J., Tran, E., Agrawal, S., Arroyo, E. N., Behling, S., … & Freeman, S. (2020). Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(12), 6476-6483.
Toto, J., & Booth, K. (2008). Effects and implications of mini-lectures on learning in first-semester general chemistry. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. 9, 259–266.
Warfa, A. R. M., Roehrig, G. H., Schneider, J. L., & Nyachwaya, J. (2014). Role of Teacher-Initiated Discourses in Students’ Development of Representational Fluency in Chemistry: A Case Study. Journal of Chemical Education 91(6), 784−792
Yeung, K. (2014). Making ‘the flip’ work: barriers to and implementation strategies for introducing flipped teaching methods into traditional higher education courses. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, (10), 59-63.
AI in Teaching and Learning
Alexander, B. (2024, March 5). What Sora might mean for higher education. Bryan’s Substack. March 6, 2024,
Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development, Xavier University. (2024). Ethical Education with AI. Retrieved June 3, 2024, from DAIR.AI. (2024). Prompt Engineering. Prompt Engineering Guide.
Erduran, S. (2023). AI is transforming how science is done. Science education must reflect this change. Science, 382(6677), eadm9788.
Mollick, E. (2024, March 4). Captain’s log: The irreducible weirdness of prompting AIs. One Useful Thing. March 6, 2024,
Mollick, E., & Mollick, L. (n.d.). Prompt library. More Useful Things: AI Resources. March 6, 2024,
Pataranutaporn, P., Leong, J., Danry, V., Lawson, A. P., Maes, P., & Sra, M. (2022, October). AI-generated virtual instructors based on liked or admired people can improve motivation and foster positive emotions for learning. In 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
Scalice, N. (2024, January 8). Create your AI clone with HeyGen - a step-by-step guide. YouTube.
Barroso, C., Ganley, C. M., McGraw, A. L., Geer, E. A., Hart, S. A., & Daucourt, M. C. (2021). A meta-analysis of the relation between math anxiety and math achievement. Psychological Bulletin, 147(2), 134. (Available online through UO Libraries.)
Busch, C. A., Wiesenthal, N. J., Mohammed, T. F., Anderson, S., Barstow, M., Custalow, C., ... & Cooper, K. M. (2023). The Disproportionate Impact of Fear of Negative Evaluation on First-Generation College Students, LGBTQ+ Students, and Students with Disabilities in College Science Courses. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 22(3), ar31.
Daker, R. J., Gattas, S. U., Sokolowski, H. M., Green, A. E., & Lyons, I. M. (2021). First-year students’ math anxiety predicts STEM avoidance and underperformance throughout university, independently of math ability. npj Science of Learning, 6(1), 17.
Kelly, S., Rice, C., Wyatt, B., Ducking, J., & Denton, Z. (2015). Teacher immediacy and decreased student quantitative reasoning anxiety: The mediating effect of perception. Communication Education, 64(2), 171-186. Access through the UO Library.
Klee, H. L., Buehl, M. M., & Miller, A. D. (2022). Strategies for alleviating students’ math anxiety: Control-value theory in practice. Theory Into Practice, 61(1), 49-61.
Ramirez, G., & Beilock, S. L. (2014). The role of expressive writing in math anxiety. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20(2), 103.
Williams, K. R., Wasson, S. R., Barrett, A., Greenall, R. F., Jones, S. R., & Bailey, E. G. (2021). Teaching hardy-weinberg equilibrium using population-level punnett squares: Facilitating calculation for students with math anxiety. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(2), ar22.
Assessment - General
Allen, D., & Tanner, K. (2002). Approaches to cell biology teaching: questions about questions. Cell Biology Education, 1(3), 63-67.
Arthurs, L. Action Research, SoTL, DBER. Retrieved from
Bensley, A.D. (2010). A Brief Guide for Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking in Psychology. APS Observer, 23(10).
Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University (2009). Classroom Assessment techniques (CATS).Vanderbilt Teaching Guides.
Cottell, P., & Harwood, E. (1998). Do classroom assessment techniques (CATs) improve student learning? New Directions for Teaching & Learning, 75, 37-46.
Dufresne, R. J., Leonard, W. J., & Gerace, W. J. (2002). Making sense of students’ answers to multiple-choice questions. The Physics Teacher, 40(3), 174-180.
Glynn, S. M., & Koballa, T. R., Jr. (2006). Motivation to learn college science. In J. J. Mintzes & W. H. Leonard (Eds.), Handbook of college science teaching (pp. 25-32). Arlington, VA, National Science Teachers Association Press.
Joe, J.N., Harmes, J.C., & Barry, C.L. (2008). General education outcomes assessment within the arts and humanities: A qualitative approach to developing objectives. The Journal of General Education, 57(3), 131-151.
Karpicke, J. D., Roediger, H. L. (2008). The Critical Importance of Retrieval for Learning. Science, 319(5865), 966-968.
Lukes, L. a., & McConnell, D. a. (2014). What Motivates Introductory Geology Students to Study for an Exam? Journal of Geoscience Education, 62, 725–735. doi:10.5408/13-110.1
McKinney, K. (2012). Making a difference: Application of SoTL to enhance learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 12 (1), 1-7.
Mills, G. E. (2000). Chapter 1 Understanding Action Research in Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher. Prentice-Hall, Inc., One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
National Research Council (2001) Knowing what students know: The science and design of educational assessment. Committee on the Foundations of Assessment. Pelligrino, J., Chudowsky, N., & Glaser, R., Ed. Board on Testing and Assessment, Center for Education. Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
Sadler, P.M., Good, E. (2006) The Impact of Self- and Peer-Grading on Student Learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31.
Singh, A., Karayev, S., Gutowski, K., & Abbeel, P. (2017, April). Gradescope: a fast, flexible, and fair system for scalable assessment of handwritten work. In Proceedings of the fourth (2017) ACM conference on learning@ scale (pp. 81-88).
Schinske, J.N. (2011). Taming the testing/grading cycle in lecture classes centered around open-ended assessment. Journal of College Science Teaching, 40(4), 46-52.
Teaching Effectiveness Program, University of Oregon (2009) Writing Multiple-Choice Questions that Demand Critical Thinking. Teaching and Learning Center
Underwood, S. M., Posey, L. A., Herrington, D. G., Carmel, J. H., & Cooper, M. M. (2017). Adapting assessment tasks to support three-dimensional learning. Journal of Chemical Education, 95(2), 207-217.
Weimer, M. (2012). End-of-course evaluations: making sense of student comments. Faculty Focus Blog.
Worthen, B.R., Sanders, J.R. & Fitzpatrick, J.L. (1996). Program Evaluation: Alternative Approaches and Practical Guidelines, 2nd Edition, New York, Longman Inc., pg. 81-96.
Xu, X., Kauer, S., & Tupy, S. (2016). Multiple-choice questions: Tips for optimizing assessment in-seat and online. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2(2), 147.
Zimmaro, D.M. (2004). Writing Good Multiple-Choice Exams. Workshop handout. Measurement and Evaluation Center. University of Texas at Austin.
Assessment - Equitable and Alternative
Lee, E. N., & Orgill, M. (2021). Toward equitable assessment of english language learners in general chemistry: Identifying supportive features in assessment items. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(1), 35-48.
Ralph, V. R., Scharlott, L. J., Schafer, A. G., Deshaye, M. Y., Becker, N. M., & Stowe, R. L. (2022). Advancing Equity in STEM: The Impact Assessment Design Has on Who Succeeds in Undergraduate Introductory Chemistry. JACS Au, 2(8), 1869-1880.
Singh, C., & Malespina, A. (2021, August). Test anxiety, self-efficacy, and gender: A quest for equitable assessment practices in physics. In Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference (PERC (pp. 390-395).
Slater, T. F., Ryan, J. M., & Samson, S. L. (1997). Impact and dynamics of portfolio assessment and traditional assessment in a college physics course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 34(3), 255-271.;2-R
Sletten, S. R. (2021). Rethinking assessment: replacing traditional exams with paper reviews. Journal of microbiology & biology education, 22(2), e00109-21.
Teasdale, R., & Aird, H. (2022). Aligning multiple choice assessments with active learning instruction: More accurate and equitable ways to measure student learning. Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-20.
Case Studies and Role Playing Games
Herreid, C.F. (Ed.). (2007). Start with a Story: The Case Study Method of Teaching College Science. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
There are several national clearinghouses for case studies that have been developed and tested by science faculty.
- National Center for Case Study Teaching (searchable by subject and grade)
- BioQuest Investigative Cases (primarily but not exclusively biology)
- UC Riverside Chemistry Department (different levels of chemistry courses)
- University of Massachusetts at Lowell (forensic geology cases)
- Case Studies in Human Physiology (human physiology)
In Spring 2015 – Week 8, we ran a role playing game.
In the GMO role playing game debate, you will each have a role and take a side on the issue. Roles will be assigned by the first letter of your last name—see below. Read the appropriate short articles for your role and come prepared to discuss your side of the issue.
Molecular Biologists (Last name A-B)
Fedoroff, N.V. 2011 August 18. Engineering Food for All. New York Times.
Casassus, B. 2013 November 29. Study Linking Genetically Modified Corn to Rat Tumors is Retracted. Scientific American.
Corporate Officials (Last name C-D)
Fraley, R.T. 2013 December 30. The Future of Agriculture Requires Dialogue. Huffington Post.
Fraley, R.T. 2014 May 6. To Deal With Climate Change, We Need Agricultural Innovation – Now. Huffington Post.
Economists (Last name E-J)
Fields of Beaten Gold. 2013 December 7. The Economist
Monsanto: the parable of the sower. 2009 November 19. The Economist
Farmers (Last name K-P)
Royte, E. 2013 December 6. The Post-GMO Economy. The Modern Farmer.
This Farmer’s Perspective on GMOs. 2011 November 19. Son of a Farmer Blog.
Ecologists & Conservationists (Last name Q-S)
Achitoff, P. 2014 March 5. GMOs in Kauai: Not Just Another Day in Paradise. Huffington Post.
Benbrook, C.M. 2012. Impacts of genetically engineered crops on pesticide use in the U.S. – the first sixteen years. Environmental Sciences Europe 24:24. (Just read the synopsis that comes up, not the full pdf.)
Genetic Engineering Risks and Impacts. Union of Concerned Scientists.
Public Interest Groups & Activists (Last name T-Z)
Tran, M. 2013 February 25. Vandana Shiva: ‘Seeds must be in the hands of farmers’. The Guardian.
Ho, M.W. 2014 February 4. GMO labeling: the tide is turning. Ecologist.
Course Design
Allen, D., & Tanner, K. (2007). Putting the Horse Back in Front of the Cart: Using Visions and Decisions about High-Quality Learning Experiences to Drive Course Design. CBE Life Sci Educ, 6(2), 85-89.
Fink, L.D. (2013). Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses, Chapter 2: A Taxonomy of Significant Learning, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Felder, R. M., & Brent, R. (2016). Teaching and learning STEM: A practical guide (First edition). Chapter 4: Planning Class Sessions. John Wiley & Sons. Available as an ebook through the UO Libraries.
Lunde, J.P., (2012). 101 Things You Can Do in the First Three Weeks of Class. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Office of Graduate Studies.
Vandenbussche, J., Ritter, L., & Scherrer, C. (2018). An incentivized early remediation program in Calculus I. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 49(8), 1235–1249.
Course Evaluations
Cooper, G. (2013). Using multiple course evaluations to engage and empower your students and yourself. Faculty Focus Blog. Available from:
Lang, S. (2011). Tips for using student evaluations to assess teaching effectiveness. IUPUI Center fro Teaching and Learning. Available from:
Overall, J.U., Marsh, H.W. (1979). Midterm Feedback From Students: Its Relationship to Instructional Improvement and Students’ Cognitive and Affective Outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 71(6), 856-865.
Shadow, L. and M. Weimer. 2015. A new twist on end-of-semester evaluations. Faculty Focus Blog. 23 November 2015.
Weimer, M. 2012. End-of-course evaluations: making sense of student comments. Faculty Focus Blog. 28 November 2012.
Critical Thinking
Hicks, J. (2013). Bridging activities: Concrete to abstract. The Physics Teacher, 51(4), 252.
Holmes, N. G., Wieman, C. E., & Bonn, D. A. (2015). Teaching critical thinking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(36), 11199-11204.
Potts, B. (1994). Strategies for Teaching Critical Thinking. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 4(3).
Roberts, J.C., & Roberts, K.A. (2008). Deep Reading, Cost/Benefit, and the Construction of Meaning: Enhancing Reading Comprehension and Deep learning in Sociology Courses. Teaching Sociology, 36, 125-140.
Sins, P. H. M., Savelsbergh, E. R., van Joolingen, W. R., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2009). The Relation between Students’ Epistemological Understanding of Computer Models and Their Cognitive Processing on a Modeling Task. International Journal of Science Education 31(9), 1205-1229.
Stein, B et. al, (2007). Assessing Critical Thinking in STEM and Beyond, In Iskander, M. (ed.), Innovations in E-learning, Instruction Technology, Assessment, and Engineering Education, p. 79-82. Springer.
Braddock, M., & Bucat, R. (2008). Effectiveness of a Classroom Chemistry Demonstration Using the Cognitive Conflict Strategy. International Journal of Science Education, 30 (8), 1115-1128.
Miller, K. (2013). Use Demonstrations to Teach, Not Just Entertain. Physics Teacher 51, 570-571.
Miller, S. (2014). Modeling the Nature of Science with the Mystery Tube. The Physics Teacher, 52, 548–551. doi:10.1119/1.4902200
Mylott, E., Dunlap, J., Lampert, L., & Widenhorn, R. (2014). Kinesthetic Activities for the Classroom. The Physics Teacher, 52(9).
O’Dowd, D.K., Aguilar-Roca, N. (2009). Garage Demos: Using Physical Models t0 Illustrate Dynamic Aspects of Microscopic Biological Processes. CBE Life Sciences Education, 8, 118-122.
Roth, W.-M., McRobbie, C. J., Lucas, K. B. and Boutonné, S. (1997), Why may students fail to learn from demonstrations? A social practice perspective on learning in physics. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 34, 509–533.
Sharma, M.D., Johnston, I.D., Johnston, H., Varvell, K., Robertston, G., Hopkins, A., Stewart, C., Cooper, I., & Thorton, R. (2010). Use of interactive lecture demonstrations: A ten year study. Phys Rev ST Physics Ed. Research, 6(020119), 1-9.
Sokoloff, D.R. & Thornton, R.K. (1997). Using Interactive Lecture Demonstrations to Create an Active Learning Environment. The Physics Teacher, 35(6), 340-347.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Teaching
Aguilar, L., Walton, G., and Wieman, C. (2014). Psychological insights for improved physics teaching. Physics Today, 67 (5), 43-49.
Asai, DJ and C Bauerle. (2016). From HHMI: Doubling Down on Diversity. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 15(3), fe6.
Bartlett, T. (2017). Can we really measure implicit bias? Maybe not. The Chronicle of Higher Education. :
Berrett, D. (Sept. 21, 2015). The Unwritten Rules of College. Chronicle of Higher Education
Cavanagh, A. J., Chen, X., Bathgate, M., Frederick, J., Hanauer, D. I., & Graham, M. J. (2018). Trust, Growth Mindset, and Student Commitment to Active Learning in a College Science Course. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 17(1), ar10.
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST, 2011). UDL guidelines version 2.0.
Cooper, KM and SE Brownell. (2016) Coming Out in Class: Challenges and Benefits of Active Learning in a Biology Classroom for LGBTQIA Students. CBE Life Sci Educ 15:ar37 1-19. http://www.lifescied.
Cooper, K. M., Haney, B., Krieg, A., & Brownell, S. E. (2017). What’s in a Name? The Importance of Students Perceiving That an Instructor Knows Their Names in a High-Enrollment Biology Classroom. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(1), ar8.
Delparte, D. M., Richardson, R., Eitel, K., Matsaw, S., & Cohn, T. (2016). Promoting Geoscience STEM Interest in Native American Students: GIS, Geovisualization and Reconceptualizing Spatial Thinking Skills. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 15(5). http://www.
Develop Intercultural Competence to Foster International Student Success:
Eddy, S. L., S. E. Brownell, P. Thummaphan, M.-C. Lan, and M. P. Wenderoth (2015). Caution, Student Experience May Vary: Social Identities Impact a Student’s Experience in Peer Discussions. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 14(4), 11 – 17.
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English Language Learners’ Voices:
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Field Trips
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Large Class Teaching
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Learning and Metacognition
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Online, Hybrid, and Remote: Pandemic Teaching
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Peer Instruction
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Peer Instruction – Evidence-Based Teaching Guide:
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Popular Media (Comics, Games, Music, Social Media, and Theater)
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Using music to teach science:
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Reading and Writing
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Science Communication
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Science Literacy
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Scientific Teaching
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Service Learning
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Student Response Systems
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