How to Manage Canvas Groups

How to Manage Canvas Groups

Groups are a small version of a course and used as a collaborative tool where students can work together on group projects and assignments.
Related Topics: Canvas People & Groups, Canvas

Viewing All Groups

In Course Navigation, click the People link.

The People page defaults to the Everyone tab [1], which displays all users in your course.

Once you create a group set in the course, the group set displays as a linked tab for easy access to the group set information [2]. You can click any tab to view a group set for a user group.

You can also click the Options menu [3] and select the View User Groups link [4]. The page will open the first group set in the course.

Screenshot showing Groups tabs on People page



Viewing Group Members

By default, all groups are collapsed in the page [1]. You can expand each group and see which students are assigned to each group in the group set, if any, by clicking the arrow next to the group name [2].

If you set a limit to the number of students in a group when you created the groups, Canvas will note when the group is full [3].

Screenshot of expanded group showing student names


View a Group Homepage

Once students are participating in a group, you can open the group Options menu [︙] and view content and activity within a group.


Screenshot showing View Group Homepage button


As the instructor, you can view all of the student activity within the group by clicking any link in the Group Navigation Menu [1]. You can also participate in any content area in the group, such as creating a collaboration for the group or viewing a group discussion. However, you can still create collaborations and group discussions from the course. Group members can also create their own content for the group.

When viewing a student group, you can easily switch and view all groups within a group set by clicking the Switch Group link [2].

The Recent Activity feed will show any recent group activity [3].

Also, instructors and student group leaders can view the Edit Group link [4], which allows quick access to edit the name of the group.

Instructors and group members can add an Announcement that is only visible to members of the Group [5].

Screenshot of a group homepage



Managing Group Set

To manage the details of the group set, click the Options menu [1].

To edit the group set, click the Edit link [2].

To clone the group set, click the Clone Group Set link [3]. Cloning a group set will copy the entire group set, including all groups, group leaders, and memberships. You can also create a new name to differentiate the cloned group set. If you do not change the name, the group name will remain the same but identified as a clone.

If you want to modify a group but the group includes student submissions, you should clone the group instead of modifying the group memberships. Modifying the group may have unintended consequences for student grades.

To delete the group set, click the Delete link [4]. Deleting a group set also deletes all the groups within the group set.

Editing a Group Set allows you to adjust the options presented when you created the Group Set [5].

Screenshot showing the Edit Group Set window in Canvas