Direct Share - Send To and Copy To

Direct Share - Send To and Copy To

If you would like to copy an Assignment, Page, Quiz, Discussion or Module to one of your courses you can use the new Canvas Direct Share features, Send To and /or  Copy To by selecting the three dots to the right and selecting.

Direct Share - Send to

When you want to share an assignment, page, quiz, discussion, or module with a colleague at UO you can use the Send To or Copy To feature.

Go to the item you want to share and select the Other Options [︙] [1] icon and select Send to... [2].

Canvas Share Sent To link


In the Send To... field, begin typing the name of the person you want to send the file to and select their name.

Canvas send to select recipient


Once you have selected the individual(s) (you can select more than one person to send files to), select Send.

Canvas send file to recipient


If you have received a shared assignment, page, discussion board, or quiz, you will find it by going to your Account [1] and selecting Shared Content [2].

Canvas account shared content


Once in Shared Content (Received Content), you will see the list of the things that have been shared with you. If you would like to import any of the content items click on the More Options [︙] [3] icon for any of the content items and then click on Import [4].

Canvas received content import content


You will be able to select which course you want to import the content into and which module you want to place it in. Click on the blue Import button once you are ready.

Canvas select course and module for file import
Canvas file import started successfully notice


Direct Share - Copy To


If you would like to copy an Assignment, Page, Quiz, Discussion, or Module to one of your courses you follow the same process as Send To… by selecting the More Options [︙] [1] icon on the right and selecting Copy To…[2].

Canvas file copy to


Once you have selected Copy To… a pop up will appear where you can select the course you wish to copy the assignment to.

After you select the course you can select what module to place the item into.

Click on Copy and it will appear in the module in that course.

Canvas copy to select course and module
Canvas copy to confirm


Any copied Graded discussion, Quiz or Assignment will be placed in the Imported Assignments assignment group in your assignment page. You can move this to any other group.

Canvas Imported Assignments