Newsletter for University of Oregon faculty with updates, resources, events
Newsletter for University of Oregon faculty with updates, resources, events
University of Oregon
Faculty Club Committee
The storied Faculty Club meets weekly Thursday afternoons at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art in its latest iteration.
Jeffrey Stolle
A 2023-2024 recipient of the Herman Award for Specialized Pedagogy, Stolle centers small-group activities to support student learning.
Faculty in the News
"For kids that have a fundamental weakness in mathematics, 80 percent or 90 percent of the time that’s going to be linked to a lack of understanding numbers. If we want students to be able to access other pieces of mathematics that are really important, then they need to build this foundational understanding of numbers."
 Ben Clarke, an early math researcher and department head of special education and clinical sciences at the University of Oregon
News and Resources
UO Instructional Policies Move Online for Spring 
University-wide instructional policies now are featured on a student-facing webpage that will be linked from every Canvas course site. Faculty should not reproduce these statements on their syllabi, but can provide a link to that page on their syllabi. Faculty are encouraged to show the page to their students at the beginning of each course and highlight the important resources and policies.
Resources to Prepare for Spring Term
Preparing for Spring? Save time by visiting Spring 2025 Course Resources, with timely considerations, a syllabus starter, Canvas course templates, and adaptable modules for absence reporting, academic integrity, and more, courtesy of  TEP and UO Online. 
Student Experience Surveys Open March 5
The winter Student Experience Survey will be open from Wednesday, March 5, at 8 a.m. through Monday, March 17, at 6 a.m. Instructors who encourage student feedback, offer class time to submit the survey, or add custom questions are likely to get more responses and a wider range of helpful feedback. See the Faculty Guide to the Student Experience Survey for more ideas to promote the survey and advice for how to review results, flag comments for redaction, and more. 
More News and Resources
  • Join UO Libraries either in person or online for 15-minute introductions to digital tools for open pedagogy, including Pressbooks, WordPress and TimelineJS. Find details on the Open Education Week webpage.
  • Interested in advocating for improved grading tools in Canvas? Review a proposal to the Budget Advisory Group and consider joining the list of more than 60 faculty, staff and GE co-submitters.
  • For academic program changes for fall term 2025, revisions must be fully approved by the end of winter term. If you have changes in process, or want to make changes, please contact Program Manager Denita Strietelmeier to find out what timeline is possible for your program’s approval.  
Awards and Opportunities
  • Nominations for the UO Outstanding Research Awards are now open. Awards are given for tenure-track faculty, career faculty, and staff. The awards are hosted and sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, the Office of the Provost, and the Division of Graduate Studies. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on April 9.  
  • Faculty members from all academic disciplines are invited to apply for 2025 UO Foundation Trustee Excellence Grant program. Awards will be made to two faculty members who demonstrate plans to advance high-impact scholarship and research in instances where faculty resources and/or external funding opportunities are limited. Apply by 5 p.m. on April 7. 
  • A reminder that March 5 is the deadline to submit nominations for the annual Sustainability Award for Teaching Excellence. Please send faculty member’s name, an applicable course syllabus, and a one-page letter of support that addresses the evaluation criteria to the Teaching Engagement Program ( 
  • Nominations for Graduate Education Excellence Awards are due April 11. 
Visit the Office of the Provost’s Awards and Opportunities page for all upcoming awards and opportunities. 
Four-year graduation rates have increased 10 percentage points over the last decade (to 59.9 percent), while six-year rates have remained consistent (about 72 percent). In other words, overall, the UO is not graduating a larger proportion of students, but students are graduating more quickly. The increase in 4-year graduation rates can be attributed to policy changes and initiatives to improve rates. Source: Office of Institutional Research.  
Events and Learning
Understanding Islamophobia and Antisemitism
Educational Research in Action
March 14 from 10-11:30 a.m., location TBD
Not sure where to start in conducting educational research? This session will guide you in identifying meaningful research questions that connect to your teaching and disciplinary context. 
Assignment Hacks: Making Instructions Make Sense
March 18 from 10-11 a.m. in Knight Library DREAM Lab, Room 122 
Research shows that clearly communicating an assignment’s purpose, task, and success criteria can significantly improve outcomes. Collaborate with TEP Faculty Consultants and peers to refine existing assignments or develop new ones at this assignment clinic. 
Ten Minute Teaching Tips: Accessibility
Tuesdays at 10 a.m. on Zoom
Make your course materials more accessible, ten minutes at a time. Come to these Zoom mini-workshops, learn (or refresh) a skill, and stay if you want additional support in applying it.
Science Teaching Journal Club
Thursdays at 9 a.m. in LISB 217 or Zoom
Read and discuss the new edition of Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide, which guides the reader through designing and teaching a student-centered course, with emphasis on developing practical skills for STEM careers. 
Teaching with AI Reading Group
Thursdays from 11 a.m. to noon on Zoom
Join us winter term as we read and discuss Bowen and Watson’s Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning to explore AI’s impact on education. 
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